Major Factors Affecting Your Baby's Behavioral Development

Babies need to communicate and acquire social skills right after the day they are born. In the first days of their lives, their relation to the outside world develops and shapes with the reactions they give to it. In the development of babies while most of the time physical development seems preliminary, babies also begin from the first day their emotional and psychological development. The development of healthy behavior in babies depend on their physical, emotional and psychological development together.

Children's healthy development is directly related to a healthy environment, and especially to parents. The healthy behavior of the parents is the most important factor for the healthy behavioral development of children who get their behaviors through infancy first, from adults who look after them, then by copying and then by influencing and interpreting.

It is very important for parents to pay attention to their children's behaviors, to try to understand their behaviors, to observe and to respond to the needs of the child since infancy. Children do not always communicate with adults for their physical needs, such as food, sleep, and often have an emotional and psychological need.

Following factors should be considered for children to have a healthy social personality and emotional development and a healthy psychological structure:

  1. Loving, balanced communication
  2. Healthy education and orientation
  3. Established healthy communication between parents and their loved ones
  4. Parents' balanced communication with their children, no exaggerated reactions
  5. Meeting the child's need for approval, not being pampered during this process
  6. Making sure the child is feeling loved, valued
  7. Allowing the child to be respected, being able to develop his or her own personality and self-esteem in a healthy manner
  8. Recognition of the child
  9. Close monitoring of the child's emotional, psychological and social development
  10. Sensitive approach to behavioral problems

Keeping a close watch on your baby's behavioral development for a healthy development can help you to notice behavioral differences quickly. Based on the behavioral changes that are noticed, parents' reactions must be healthy and solution-oriented. If you are unsure how to react, it is a good idea to consult a specialist.

The most important factor for the healthy development of children is that they grow up in a loving environment and have healthy parents. When you give your child the love and interest he/she needs, establish a correct relationship and provide a happy living environment, you will have taken the most important steps for their behavioral development.